The #EuroPodVenture begins: A great time to visit Lisbon, Portugal - pieces

November 26, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

To begin anything, we plan...and in most cases, the plan changes and evolves.  That is what happened as we began to plan our latest travel adventure.  Let's go to Morocco, let's go to Iceland, let's go to Russia, but we evolved to a plan that includes other new to us places like Portugal, the Bordeaux region of France and Brussels, Belgium.  

So we are calling the trip the EuroPodVenture, easy to find by adding the hashtag, #EuroPodVenture.

Our first stop, Lisbon, Portugal.  And what we noticed quite quickly was the beautiful tiles...everywhere.  From the sides of the buildings to the sidewalks and streets, tiles are a big part of the architectural style of the city.  It is charming and creative and adds a special flare to the look and feel of the city.  

20170301-EuroPodVenture- - 7.jpg#EuroPodVenture-7Tiles, tiles...everywhere.

Next was the ease of getting around.  Not only is there a variety of public transport available, but the city is a great walking place, in part. So we starting walking around.  Starting out from our hotel, in Figueira Square or locally known as Praca Do Figueira, down to the riverside to Prada Do Comercio,, the streets were filled with amazing art and architecture.   This area of town is flat and easy to walk around, but there are some very steep hills, but we'll get to those later in the trip.

20170301-EuroPodVenture- - 29.jpgEuroPodVenture-29Riverside Lisbon

When arriving at the river, there is a spirit of whimsy and space. One of the most interesting feelings of Lisbon, is the openness and spaciousness.  There are so many large squares, open pedestrian streets and the vastness of the riverside, gives a feeling of airiness, not a closed in busy city.    

This feeling could be a result of the time of year we are here and the summer months may be much more crowded, but for us, this is pleasant and I'd recommend the end of winter as a great time to visit Lisbon.  Though keep in mind, the weather can be very changeable at this time of year.  Blue sky days, lead to cold, wet, cloudy days, which ultimately lead back to blue sky days.  So come prepared for the variety. 

Then a return to the Placa Do Figueira for a siesta and starting the evening exploration.

The evening was a walk about on some of the various pedestrian streets that are here in the old city.  Filled with shops and restaurants, there are many to choose from.  You better like seafood when coming to Portugal, as many of the restaurants feature this as their main cuisine.  

But after a long walk, exploring Rossio Square, we headed back to our hotel for a cosy dinner of tapas, wine and what else in Portugal...Port wine.  

20170302-EuroPodVenture- - 2.jpgEuroPodVenture-2Rossio Square by night

To see more of our first day Lisbon - check out the full gallery.  





Lisbon and Sintra, Portugal on day 3 of the #EuroPodVenture - pieces

November 24, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

We started out on a rainy, cool day in Lisbon.  The streets were glistening and shiny as we made our way to the train station.   Lisbon umbrellaStreets of LisbonRain and wind results in Lisbon Train travel in European countries is such a calming and pleasurable experience.  The stations and the trains are well maintained.  There is beautiful artwork on the walls and all around the stations that represent the region and history of the location.  And the train is one of the most efficient ways to get around.   trains of Portugal Train station in LisbonTrain to Sintra

The train to Sintra provided us with superb views of the Lisbon suburbs, countryside and towns of southern Portugal.  As we continued on our 40 minute journey from Lisbon to Sintra, we prepared for what we were about to see.  

Upon arrival in Sintra, a very small, quaint historical town, we immediately felt the cool breezes and the fresh, clean air of the region.  We understood why many of the kings and queens of Portugal chose this area to cool down during the summer months.  It was like a storybook town with views for miles.  The greenery, the quaintness of the town, took us back in time.  From there, we hopped on a little bus that took us up the mountain to our first stop, the castle ruins.  

The castle, built by the Moors during the 8th and 9th centuries was where wars were fought to 'own' this region of the country.  It was a strategic placement and has been preserved for us to see and experience the history that took place here.  Arriving at the ruins, it was cold and rainy.  We weren't prepared for this, so we needed to bundle up and add a few extra layers.  We climbed up to the top of the battlement to see the view that many soldiers would have seen hundreds of years ago.  The quietness was what impacted me most.  As we strolled around the historic site, we could not help but imagine what it would have been like for the people, hundreds of years ago to live, work and protect their country from this high on the hill spot.  It was all designed with protection in mind.  

Pena PalacePena PalaceColors that contrast of Pena Palace, Sintra.

And then on to the Pena Palace, the Palace where the kings and queens of Portugal spent their summers. If you are into historical architecture, then this is a  wow moment for Portugal.  Built in the Romanistic style, the Palace sits high on the hill in the Sintra Mountains and on a clear day, can be seen from Lisbon.  It is a mix of vividly painted terraces and battlements that are contrasted by the green forests and lands around it. As with many places in Portugal, it is made up of beautiful tile work.  From the grand entrances to the lovely courtyards, the tiles are magnificent.  The artistry that goes into producing each and every tile is unique.   

Inside the Palace, was designed for the royal families that made this home during the summer months to cool off from the cities.  The artwork was sublime, but for me, more important and beautiful was the lighting and chandeliers.  

I was moved by the beauty and peacefulness of the place.  The artistry that went into building this palace is inspirational. The colors, the structure, the flow of the rooms, and the grandeur of it would have been an inspiration to kings, queens and the like.  

The views from the Palace were spectacular as well.  You could see for miles and miles. Down to the surrounding villages and to the sea.  

Bottom line, when visiting Lisbon, make the day trip to Sintra.  It is well worth the trip. 










To see more of our Sintra exploration - check out the full gallery.  





thinking of France.

August 27, 2016  •  Leave a Comment


amazing memories of the south of France

Sun through the trees...

June 24, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


While exploring the world, I try to look at things from different angles and sometimes it is just time to look up. You never know what you might encounter. 




A Rainbow - July

July 19, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

On a recent drive, after another major deluge in Long Island, NY, the calm after the storm became visible.  I watched an amazing rainbow form...first, from the left, but then it seemed to disappear into the light of the sky.  I thought it was gone, but to my amazement, the other side of the rainbow started to appear, from the right.  Both sides started to intensify and they met in the end-to-end rainbow and my 'pot of gold' was at the end.  


Rainbow ViewIMG_2599

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